"You will never get what you want as long as you don't pay attention or don't know what you are doing." -Moshe Feldenkrais
Awareness Through Movement (ATM)® group classes focus on relinquishing habitual movement patterns that cause or contribute to chronic pain, while teaching the body new and more efficient ways to move and develop optimal self-use. Each class involves making gentle movements slowly and with minimal effort on the floor, while paying attention to your own sensations and experience. The teacher guides the class verbally and each person is encouraged to go at their own pace. Results include better posture, improved walking and balance, faster healing and recovery from injury, and a way of learning how to move out of chronic pain and improve movement function with a new-found sense of fluidity and body awareness.
133 Grant St, Buffalo, NY 14213, USA
Ongoing, Tuesday Awareness Through Movement® Classes. $20 per class. Go to Shaktibuffalo.com to register. Masks required.
133 Grant St, Buffalo, NY 14213, USA
Ongoing, Wednesday Awareness Through Movement® Classes. $18 per class. Contact mara.inflighttheater@gmail for registration and links.